Workshop on supporting non-state forestry in South East Europe

November 15, 2012

Workshop on supporting non-state forestry in South East Europe

The regional workshop on “Supporting non-state forestry in South East Europe” was held in Skopje,  Macedonia from 12 to 14 November 2012. The three-day workshop was a follow-up activity to two previous subregional conferences held in 2008 in FYR Macedonia “The status of non-state forestry management in South East Europe” and 2009 in Serbia “Policy options for non-state forestry in South East Europe”. It was organized by the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU) in close collaboration with the Regional Centre for Forestry and Rural Development (REFORD) with support from the Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF).

The main objectives of the workshop were to:

1. Present recent reports and studies related to forest owner organizations and nonstate forestry relevant for the region and discuss selected success cases;
2. Assess the current status of forest farmer organizations and related national policies in SEE as a follow-up activity to the 2008-2009 sub-regional conferences;
3. Identify the main factors and challenges for further development of forest owner organizations and related initiatives or policies (incl. the European dimension);
4. determine areas and countries that FAO can provide assistance to.

More information can be found in the document Workshop Report

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